Disclamer: Image is a general series image, not an exact representation on the part number. Disclamer: Image is a general series image, not an exact representation on the part number.
Unit of Measure


N/A 585

Locking Element

N/A Total lock

Mounting Type

N/A Bolt hole


N/A 331R

Wheel Diameter

N/A 100 mm

Wheel Type


Swivel Radius

N/A 130


N/A 40 mm

Wheel Hardness

N/A 90 shore A

Wheel Bearing Type

N/A Stainless steel ball bearing

Wheel Width

N/A 32

Roller Material

N/A Stainless steel

Number of Wheels

N/A 1

Weight Base

N/A 1

Wheel axle

N/A Stainless steel?screw

Roll Surface

N/A Standard

Housing material

N/A Stainless steel

Mounting Height

N/A 132