OneMonroe carries a wide range of material handling systems, supplying our customers with durable products that can endure years of heavy use. The Wright GEN II lines of standard, self-dumping hoppers are engineered with versatility in mind, with over 30 models to choose from. The GEN II series features capacities that range from ¼ yard all the way up to 6 yards. With such a large selection, dimensions and specifications vary greatly. However, all GEN II hoppers are manufactured with heavy steel construction, 3” fork opening, low center of gravity, and a compact footprint.
Unit of Measure

Overall Height

55 Inch

Overall Width

57.75 Inch

Overall Length

70.5 Inch


All Dimensions are approxiamate some dimensions may vary slightly per hopper.



Base Width

36.5 Inch

Base Length

54 Inch

Fork Opening

3" x 28.5" Text

Pouring Lip

20 Inch

Container Length

70.5 Inch

Dump Clearance Height

73 Inch

Dump Clearance Bottom

10 Inch

Dump Clearance Length

93.75 Inch

Front Clearance

15 Inch

Dump Angle

32 Degrees

Center of Gravity

30.5 Inch

Weight (Approx)

960 pounds

Bumper Release
